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SPP Classics Update 27.12.2023 v2.3.7

Posted by VALLERIAA, on

  • Changelog
    • [Core] Update all 3 cores to latest cmangos
    • [Core] Sync cores to latest beta build
    • [Bots] Update combat rotations
    • [Bots] Non healer bots will heal party only if co +offheal is enabled
    • [Bots] Added attack rti command to attack marked targets
    • [Bots] Added range heal to be able to limit party healing range
    • [Bots] Allow to specify multiple focus heal targets
    • [Bots] Fix loop cast spell which effect is on next swing
    • [Bots] Hunter bots now can place traps near enemies
    • [Bots] Fix hunter autoshot stuck after fleeing
    • [Bots] Add manual hunter aspect and stings
    • [Bots] Fix ressurecting only one char at a time
    • [Bots] Add preheal and heal interrupt strategies
    • [Bots] Tweak global channels spam
    • [Bots] Follow master on transport such as ships, zeppelins, metro etc
    • [Bots] Add offline random bots in real groups faster
    • [Bots] Added automated bot gear progression system (vanilla only)
    • [Bots] Allow bots to travel by command using go zone zonename
    • [Bots] Disable automatic gear upgrade, add option to enable
    • [Bots] Add enchants and ammo to bot command
    • [Bots] Add movestyles, move style +wait - not rush to mob if moving to bot
    • [Bots] Add always/skip loot list using ll command
    • [Bots] Fix cast command - can now cast pet spell using it
    • [Bots] Add more pet commands (attack, stay, follow, passive, defensive, aggresive and dismiss)
    • [Bots] LFG command can now specify the size of group
    • [Bots] Tweak AB and WSG Battleground logic
    • [Bots] Fix automatic upgrades equip
    • [Bots] Bots now can jump after you or enemy if no path found
    • [Bots] Full changelog
    • Other fixes